Saturday, March 27, 2010

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

For almost 11 years, Hannah was our youngest granddaughter (now Addison is our youngest). I remember so well the day you were born, Hannah. We drove like crazy to make it to Atlanta before you were born and we made it! You are an independent, compassionate, fun-loving, Christian girl. You've always been able to carry on a conversation with anyone around. When you were three, we went to Los Angeles to an Auburn ballgame. After the game, we were all so tired yet you were carrying on a conversation with the lady on the shuttle. You told her your name and you also told her that you had two cousins back home named Aubrey and Ashlyn. She listened politely and you kept talking till we got off the shuttle. You also met a little boy named Aaron at the pool. As soon as you met him, you told him "Oh, Moses had a brother named Aaron!" We love you, Hannah, and are so proud of you. We hope you have a happy birthday!!

Hannah in her colonial costume--Williamsburg, VA 5-1-2009

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Day Trip

The weather was much too pretty today to stay in so we decided to take a ride just to see the signs of spring which are actually beginning to show themselves in our area. We drove the beach route to Gulf Shores, Foley, and Fairhope and enjoyed hearing and seeing the new signs of life---people on the beaches, flowers blooming, birds singing, and fruit trees blossoming. We looked around the cute shops in Fairhope but didn't buy one thing. I actually saw a smocking shop but didn't go in---I was afraid I'd find something I just couldn't do without! But, I did take time to take a few pictures of downtown Fairhope and the beautiful flowers that are blooming.

Visit Susan at a Southern Daydreamer for more outdoor pictures.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Staying Connected

When I'm away from my grandchildren, I have the need to feel connected in some way. With the older ones, I can email or talk on the phone or text. But, with Addison (2 months old tomorrow), one way I find to stay connected (and I used to do this with the others but they're too old now) is to smock for her. I can sit and sew on a little dress for her and feel connected to her and look forward to the next time I see her. I started a dress for her before she was born but ended up having to have help from a friend to finish smocking it when I had knee surgery. It turned out just perfect (my friend smocks beautifully) and Addison wore it to church the first Sunday she went. However, this dress I started smocking for her when we came home after being with them to help after Addison was born. I have been working on it off and on since then. I finished it last weekend and had my friend sew it up for her (I don't sew--just smock). Here's the finished product. If anyone reads this who might see Addison, please don't tell her what will be in her Easter basket!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Addison's Tree

We've planted a tree in our yard for each of our grandchildren. They love to see their tree when they visit. Yesterday we bought Addison's tree. Aubrey has a sweet gum tree, Ashlyn has an ash tree, Hannah has a redbud tree, and David has a drake elm (doesn't that sound manly--he's the only boy so had to have a "manly" tree). We decided to get Addison a pink dogwood tree. This morning Pops planted Addison's tree.

Hopefully next spring it will be full of beautiful pink blossoms.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Happy Birthday, JD!

How can it be that our second little boy is--------

all grown up with a daughter and son of his own? It seems no time since we were eagerly anticipating his birth---where did all the years go? Happy Birthday, JD! We love you and are so proud of you and the man you have become. Have a great day!! (Sorry about the quality of the baby picture. I had to take a picture of the picture because my scanner wouldn't work!)

Friday, March 05, 2010


Where did the time go? It seems impossible that our oldest grandchild, Aubrey, is 12 today. What a blessing she's been to us all for those 12 years. She enjoys life---loves to read, loves nature, and loves animals just to name a few of her favorite things (so does her MomMom). She enjoys cooking and she's quite good at it, too. She also loves her family. One time she was with us when we were all doing something together and, out of the clear blue, she said, "I love my family!" She's growing into an independent young Christian lady. Happy Birthday, Aubrey! We love you and are so proud of you.

Aubrey--back row in the middle

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Happy Birthday, Keely!

Happy Birthday, Keely!

Today is our daughter-in-law's birthday. This might not be the picture Keely would prefer I post of her but here she is doing what she does so well. She had just given birth to Addison, our fifth grandchild and Todd and Keely's third little girl. Keely was born to be a mother and is such a good one. We've known Keely since BEFORE she was born (her parents are our good friends that we met in college). We love her dearly and want to wish her the very best birthday. We love you, Keely!! We're glad you are the mother of three of our grandchildren.

Monday, March 01, 2010

So Where Have I Been?

I have been a "blog slacker" the last week or so. I haven't been able to get motivated to really do anything after getting back from our visit with our family. It always takes me a few days to get back "in the groove" of being home and away from them. But, I'm back and tonight we started an exciting new Bible study with a small group of ladies. We had a really good evening of study and prayer time (it's amazing how God always puts the perfect group of people together at just the right time--people who need this exact study at this exact time and who need each other to lean on). Here's the study we're doing-----
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